Mombi continued 9
Good morning everyone! Well, the three followers I have and anyone who reads this on the fly anyway ;) Yesterday evening I managed to work a little more on the Mombi dress and I'm pleased to say that the back ribbons are now all on. It was a happy time, me and my glue gun LOL. As the outside cloak is velvet, the ribbons sticks really well and doesnt have to be restitched, saving me tons of valuable time that I dont have right now. I am actually looking forward to this thing being finished... Tonight will be another night of sewing and I'm hoping to get either the shoulder pads and the big print in the back on, or the tiny patches with more ribbon. Lets see how it goes. For now, the latest update is below:

Most of the back will actually be covered with black and gold lace, but that is only going to hang over it so if it's a little windy or so, the details will show anyway :) Have to dash now, still in PJs LOL
Most of the back will actually be covered with black and gold lace, but that is only going to hang over it so if it's a little windy or so, the details will show anyway :) Have to dash now, still in PJs LOL
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