Good Friday's traditions
Good evening everyone! Well, it's nearly midnight so technically it's nearly good morning ;)
FINALLY I had some time off work meaning I could focus entirely on my dress. But more on that later. :) It was also Good Friday, and although I am not religous in the sense that I celebrate Easter by going to church or anything, I do have this life-long tradition that every year on Good Friday I paint eggs. My mother did this with me when I was a little girl, and I'm still doing it now. My sister does this too so you can say it's a family tradition :)
I wanted to make the Martha Stewart Easter Eggs, but as I had been sewing all day and had to dye the eggs while cooking dinner, I decided against it and instead used the normal egg dye that my mother loyally sends me each year :) THANK YOU MOM! :)

One of the packs I still had didnt seem to work too well so I added everything I had which included two batches of tablets and even some food colouring. I ended up with some cook hippy tie-dye eggs.

I dyed 18 eggs as it's only the two of us but I did add a ton of choccie Easter eggs that I was sent by my best friend Nancy for my birthday :) (still trying to find the right present for you!) Of course I also added some of the ones I bought in Germany while on my business trip there. The rest will be saved for the annual Easter egg hunt for the bf :)

Not bad for 20 mins work :)
FINALLY I had some time off work meaning I could focus entirely on my dress. But more on that later. :) It was also Good Friday, and although I am not religous in the sense that I celebrate Easter by going to church or anything, I do have this life-long tradition that every year on Good Friday I paint eggs. My mother did this with me when I was a little girl, and I'm still doing it now. My sister does this too so you can say it's a family tradition :)
I wanted to make the Martha Stewart Easter Eggs, but as I had been sewing all day and had to dye the eggs while cooking dinner, I decided against it and instead used the normal egg dye that my mother loyally sends me each year :) THANK YOU MOM! :)
One of the packs I still had didnt seem to work too well so I added everything I had which included two batches of tablets and even some food colouring. I ended up with some cook hippy tie-dye eggs.
I dyed 18 eggs as it's only the two of us but I did add a ton of choccie Easter eggs that I was sent by my best friend Nancy for my birthday :) (still trying to find the right present for you!) Of course I also added some of the ones I bought in Germany while on my business trip there. The rest will be saved for the annual Easter egg hunt for the bf :)
Not bad for 20 mins work :)
I made eggs, too! Just like that :)