Haunted House Cross Stitch is FINISHED!

Hi everyone! It's finally done! OK, it was done a little while ago (in 2016 to be exact as I've just discovered on my Facebook memories), but it took a long time to find the right frame so now I can finally display my beautiful Haunted House Cross Stitch :) This is it, hanging in my hallway. This project took my about 4 years, although I didn't work on it every day so I can't actually tell you how many hours are in this. Let me give you some closeups: I was so pleased when it was done! This was taken at the craft group, most of this cross stitch was done here so it was only fitting to have the grand unveiling here too I found a frame in Walthamstow and getting it home is a whole story on its own, but I think it's perfect! It is just the right amount of ol and creepy. The next project is already underway, so hopefully soon I'll be able to post an update on that too!