
Showing posts from February, 2012

Golden Spider Silk and Oscar at the V&A

Hi everyone! I just LOVE the V&A museum! It's huge, it's free, it shows mostly creative ideas like theatre costumes, fabrics, and statues, and I always find something new there :) A few weeks ago I went there again as I had to be in the area for my dentist anyway so I went in. Not having any idea what to see this time, I randomly picked an entrance and started walking. By chance I ended up at the Golden Spider Silk exhibition . The V&A website says: 'This display showcases the world’s largest pieces of cloth made from spider silk. It includes a brocaded shawl made from the silk of more than one million female golden orb-weaver spiders collected in the highlands of Madagascar, as well as a cape on public display for the first time. The display also features background material and a short film revealing the process.' There were some books about spider silk... Showing the spider itself and also how to extract the silk from the spider The spools of thr...

Oscar Party 2012

Heyhey everyone! Did you watch the Oscars?? I have to say, I preferred Ricky Gervais last year but this year's show was also very good. Maybe I've just been in England too long, hihi... Now that I have the time, I really wanted to throw an Oscar party for the bf and me. Only to realise waaaay too late that the show would be on in the middle of the night but we managed to have two dinners so in the end it worked out great :) I got so many ideas off Pinterest and the internet in general and some were even my own ;) I used a lot of things I had in the house already so it was a very creative process. Let's get the party started! First I made some Oscar teacandle holders. Just like the ones I made for Valentine , I used tissue paper and embellishments (ribbon, cardstock stars and glitter) on jars. I didnt have the nice Nutella ones anymore so normal food jars were used. I chose goldish and black colours for the glam of the Oscars. I found these fantastic labels here and used the...

Rammstein Concert, Oh Yeah!

Hi all, I've been so busy!!! I kind of spontaneously decided to host an Oscar party/dinner for the bf and myself with a ton of food, decorations, quizzes, the whole shebang, so I've been running around preparing for the last few days. BUT not everything was stress and between the baking and planning and glueing, we went to see Rammstein. Yay!!! I've be en wanting to see them live for ages, pretty much since I saw the movie XXX where there is a scene from their concert and it just looks amazing! We were so lucky as one of our best friend's company has a box in the O2 arena, the major local concert venue, and he managed to get tickets. In the beginning I wasnt able to go but in the end there was a ticket for me too, I was so happy!!! I just have to share this with you, their show was great. Even my sister who doesnt like them at all had to admit that it was very cool when she saw the pics and videos :) Arrival in style: in the box with catered food. This is the way to wat...

Bento Car Egg Explained

Hello again :) Remember my Bento Box post showing the car egg? Since posting this, I've received some emails asking me how I actually created the Bento car egg, so I thought I'd write a short blog post about it so you all can learn about this too. It's really very simple. All you need is an egg mould like this . Ebay might be one of the cheaper options. My purchase came with only two mould but you can get as many as six different ones. The combinations you can get are the vertical ones, so the pig with the bunny, the fish with the car, and the heart with the star. The colours can change, my fish is actually green while the car is blue but in the end they are all the same. When finding these, just Google 'Bento Egg' and some things should come up. On ebay these babies go for about ÂŁ3 plus shipping which is totally acceptable :) Someone in blogland posted about the car egg and I just had to have one. The instructions on how to use the mould I found here . I wont b...

Recipe - Frikandel Speciaal

Hi everyone :) As you might know from reading my blog, I am originally Dutch. Having not lived in Holland for a while, I still miss the food sometimes. Of course we have De Hems, the only Dutch pub in London but it's usually busy and while the food is excellent, it can take a while before it actually arrives. Plus I'd have to get there first. So to make things easier, I wanted to make my own. Which of course I only knew was possible once I read a great blog called The Dutch Table . It has so many recipes of things that you would normally buy in the shop in NL but cant find here. Oh wait, I already told you about this blog... Remember my Valentine Dinner? Anyway, it is a great site. There I also found the recipe for frikandellen. First, you might want to know what a frikandel is for starters. Well, Wikipedia says: A frikandel (plural frikandellen) is a Dutch snack, a sort of minced-meat hotdog, developed either in 1954 or in 1958/1959 in the Netherlands, depending on the sourc...

Beaded Semi-Precious Gemstone Bracelets

Hi all, I havent actually sewn anything but I'm slowly starting to craft again which is always nice :) The other I found my bead box. Oh my, I had no idea I had this many unused beads! So it was time to make something :) I had lots of semi-precious gemstones, a whole lot of amethyst, rose quartz, moonstone, and even a mixed bunch. What did I make? Bracelets!! It was definitely one of those crafts that are not noisy and could be done while watching tv so it was perfect for something to do in the evenings :) I think they came out quite well! I made four of them, one from each part of the bead box, and I can wear them mixed or just one. I just love the amethyst one, it's totally my favourite :) So hopefully I'll be making more stuff soon, though I also have some posts ready about visits since I really never get the time for that usually. I hope you dont mind!! :)