The Hobbit Second Breakfast at Work

Hi everyone!
Have you all heard about the Hobbit's Second Breakfast event today? Well, if you haven't and you're anywhere but the USA at the time of writing, chances are you are too late (doesn't mean you can't have a do-over tomorrow though) but it is a ton of fun. Especially since I seem to be very Hobbit-like according to some of my friends due to my obsession with food ;) And no, not because of any hairy feet! Hihi...

75 years ago today, The Hobbit has been released. In order to celebrate, a worldwide event appeared online as a tribute and in honour of the book. And the hobbit way of life (eat, drink, and be merry) or so I would like to think. The idea was that anywhere in the world, at 11am sharp, people would have a second breakfast in honour of the Hobbits. Don't mind if I do really, who am I to refuse a second breakfast!

So I got up early, having to be at work early today anyway, and bought supplies for the office. Sadly I didnt have a chance to print up the banners etc shown on the event website, but I had printed off a piccie off the internet as decoration in the background. 

I brought croissants, pain au chocolat, chocolate and blueberry muffins (not homemade, I just didnt have the time!) and juice. Not a bad selection if I say so myself :)

I had informed the team who of course had all forgotten about it again this morning so they were pleasantly surprised with this free brekkie. Some of them even started before 11! But it was the thought that counts anyway :) I had my normal brekkie at about 8ish when I started work and then the 2nd one at 11am. Which technically would make an elevensie, but those are just details ;)

This was so much fun though that it just had to be shared! It also meant that I didn't need lunch or dinner really with all that food, how do those Hobbits do it?! But it was much appreciated nonetheless :) Did you do anything for Second Breakfast today?


  1. wat een plezant initiatief ! ik had er nog nooit van gehoord !

  2. Oh I missed out on this completely and I'm a huge Hobbit fan!! Only books I've ever read twice! I'm all for second breakfast though!!

  3. You are so funny! I've been missing your blog and finally got a chance to check-in. I sometimes have second breakfast for supper. I loved the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy ... watched all of them at the theater with my grandson ... and played the games. Thanks for the great stories and the reminders.


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