Tourist Tuesday - Hastings

Hi all,
I have so many pictures from places we visited and never the time to tell you about all of it, I have decided to host a Tourist Tuesday for a while. I have no idea if this will be a forever thing or just until I get my backlog managed, but let me show you some of the wonderful places we've visited :)

As per yesterday's post, we did actually have a reason to be in Hastings, but of course we had to visit a bit of the town as well ;) I'd only been to Hastings for the Pirate Record before so didn't really see a lot to be honest. Given that we only arrived at about 3pm and went to have something to eat first, we still didn't see a huge amount though. LOL yes it was a bit of a lazy day.... 

We had a nice long stroll through town though, and saw the beach at least. It was not as cold as it looks though very windy...

I also discovered various settings on my camera phone ;)

Due to the Old Town Carnival Week, there was a parade that evening and we just happened to be in the perfect spot for it :) We arrived in time for the rehearsals...

Best costume ever for this running club! I laughed so hard at this! I have a better piccie in a minute though.

 We slowly made our way back to the main street and walked past these wonderful settings... 

There was this really steep train that took you up to the castle (which we have yet to visit)

And then the parade started! Everyone collected money for charity for St Michael's Hospice. Kids love putting money in buckets so they all had a ton of pennies and were delighted :)

Now THIS is a balloon animal!

This was one of my favourites, the detail!

Better pic of the 118 group! For all of you who don't know this, this is the reference. It was hilarious!

There were even some cheerleaders

After the parade, we walked some more and I saw this lovely fabric bunting outside people's houses. Too cute! And of course veyr piratey :)

More pirate deco in random pubs... we found a nice restaurant and had some dinner and went back to the hotel to enjoy the evening...

...where we got fireworks! I could just about see them from the hotel window. It was a lovely surprise :)

I was knackered though from all the walking but it was a good day! Hastings is rather charming, even without the Red Arrows Show ;)


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